Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Why he had to be assassinated!!

He was the first and only one Prime Minister who raise Japan’s position in the world.

Some people close to him evaluated him as being very studious especially about economic issues. He visited 68 countries to deepen the relationships with Japan. Japan is stated in a quite complicated and confusing position. So it is important to boost Japan’s presence. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made huge efforts for it.

But he lost a lot of time being tied to the Diet by questions from the poor and incompetent opposition. I always wonder “Are they really Japanese??”

I really feel very sorry that we lost a great, capable and sincere leader. I hope there will be people in the Diet who think of and work for Japanese and Japan in the true sense of the word.

Picture in the late afternoon in Shimonoseki City…



投稿者: NobiNobi1

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