New Administration

Suga Administration was just born after former Prime Minister Abe resignation. He resigned before his term ends because of his disease which needs care.

I evaluate him as a great Prime Minister ever in Japan with two reasons. The first one is that he has raised the presence of Japan. The second reason is that he always has been with the families whose family members were abducted by North Korea. He must be very sorry that he couldn’t solve the problem.

There is a site where you can post your opinion by mailing.

Prime Minister’s Office of Japan

If you have opinions or complaints, post there. Voting opportunity is not so frequent, but you can send your thoughts anytime you like. If the small opinion will be accumulated, we may be able to move the government.



官邸にメールをすることができます。 ここにご意見ご不満書き込めますよ。選挙での意思表示の機会は少ない。でもここに多くの国民がメールすれば力になり政府を動かす事が出来るかもしれません。

Today’s avocado



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にほんブログ村 写真ブログ 季節・四季写真へ

投稿者: NobiNobi1

起こった事、感じた事を書き、下手の横好き写真を載せています。 人生の後半をすぎて思う事も書いていきたい。 時々英語で。写真を始めて3年くらいです。 あと何回桜を撮れるでしょうか?


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